What kinds of altruisms are embodied by Fethullah Gulen?
July 8, 2021NBA star hosted a free basketball clinic for the kids
September 5, 2021Neighbors come together at the Chestnut Retreat Center for Thanksgiving
On November 23, 2019, CRC had its annual Thanksgiving Dinner with friends and neighbors.
The theme this year was “The Art of Neighboring”. The event started off with a wonderful performance by the Yamanlar Music Group.

After a welcome speech by Fatih Demir, one of Fethullah Gulen’s students, the program continued with Keynote Speaker Rev. Scott Paradise’s speech. CRC’s youth volunteer Davud Sablak recited a prayer and food was served! During the feast, there was an open mic where guests answered the question “What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?”. Turkish coffee and coffee pots were presented as gifts to embody the Turkish tradition of neighboring and likewise, Turkish coffee was served to guests at the event.
Guests also had to opportunity to get their names written in Turkish Calligraphy by Mr. Salih
Overall it was a warm and friendly night with people from all walks of life getting to know each other by embracing differences and rejoicing in commonalities. We hope next year’s Thanksgiving dinner will be as fruitful as this year’s.